Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Now I'm drawing

I've started on the illustrations for my 2011 Lunar Year Planner. I always thought I couldn't draw too well but I'm quite chuffed with how it's been going so far. I'm away from my scanner so it'll have to wait until I can show what I've been up to!

Friday, 5 February 2010

Still here!

Just a quick post to say I'm still here! I work evenings for a printers that mostly does diaries. At first I thought it might slow me down a bit because I do sixteen hours a week with Quark so I'd be less likely to want to do any work when I was at home. But recently I've become fired up with the ideas for my writing.

Don't want to say too much til I've got something down on paper. But it does feel good that my creativity is still there. I wonder if it's seasonal as we're just past Imbolc and it does feel like spring is coming, even though the weather man says that next week will be wintry.
